Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cartoon Commentary

Artist Statement
                For my Cartoon Commentary I would like express how war is an evil thing.  In my cartoon the child in bed represents the people of the United States and the Boogyman underneath the bed represents war.  The Boogyman is terrorizing the child, just like how war terrorizes the people.  I was inspired to do this Commentary by Political Cartoonist named Daryl Cagle.  His war cartoons had very strong messages about how much war can damage a country and I found it very interesting.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Magazine Cover Design

Artist Statement
                While designing my magazine cover I learned all the different techniques and requirments into making an actual cover for a magazine.  It was real fun and interesting to come up with my own story to put on the cover.  I felt like an actual magazine designer while doing this project.  The way I put different sections for the pictures and words was another fun experience.  I had so much fun and freedom making this cover I really enjoyed it!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Post 9: installation/text art

Banksy is a graffiti artist from Bristol, UK.  Some believe that his graffiti provides a voice for those living in urban environments.  They say he improves the urban surroundings.  Banksy has also self-published several books that contain photos of his work.  A technique in Banksy's art is to play on the perspective and edges of whatever he is stencilling or doing graffiti on.  He likes his identity concealed.

3.)  Graffiti is a good thing do not remove it.  He is telling people not to remove graffiti.

4.)  I like Banksy he has real interesting artwork that has real good ideas and have strong messages.  He really gets his point out in the world through his artwork.